What does popliteal mean literally
What does it mean to interpret the Bible.
30.11.2007 · Best Answer: Maybe you mean "Madonna Mia", that is an exclamation like "Oh My God". Madonna di mia doesn't mean nothingneither in slang..
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If you pray and say "amen" at the end, what does it literally mean?
What does "Un bel di vedremo" literally. To Does
What does Madone de mia mean in italian?.
04.09.2006 · Best Answer: Holy sh!t in French. Literally, it is sacré bleu "sacred blue" French term of astonishment. a curse. translation; "sacred blue" refers to
What Names Mean
What does popliteal mean literally
What does "amen" literally.
What does it mean to interpret the Bible. What does "literally" mean? - Yahoo!.
26.08.2010 · Best Answer: It means that what you say is 100% what you mean. For example consider these two sentences: I was literally dying - this means you were